What is Sentiment Analysis? Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks (Tamil)

#sentimentanalysis #marketanalysis #seo #searchanalystsasikumartalks

Sentiment analysis is nothing but analyzing the marketing data which eventually helps us to understand how the customers or the consumers feel about the organization or the business. Sentimentally how the customers are connected to the business can be analyzed and it can be called sentiment analysis. 

Whether the customers feel about the business or the product positively or negatively or neutrally should be analyzed and it is considered an important factor when it comes to business and customer relationships.

When you understand the customer's emotional connection with the product or the services, the business can fine-tune the business approach toward success.

Sentiment analysis is a kind of natural language processing and mostly it analyses the textual data. While doing sentimental analysis, the marketing data might be a review, social media, online, comments, or news data, which ultimately helps business owners better understand their customers. I personally feel that sentiment analysis will directly or indirectly help in online reputation.

Our 10 Weakness well Monetized. Search Analyst Sasikumar talks

Our 10 Weakness well Monetized. Search Analyst Sasikumar talks

We human beings have some weaknesses and some businesses and marketers use our weaknesses and monetize our weaknesses.

Whenever we see celebrities and cricketers in the TV advertisement and the product they endorse we tend to believe them, we trust them, but these stars are actually advertising but not giving their personal opinion. they are acting in the advertisement just like how they act in the movies etc. So don't believe them and buy the products they endorse. Apply your own discretion. 

Some people believe that foreigners and companies involved in foreign investment are good companies but that is not correct in all cases. 

Some people believe in the word "free". sometimes the word "free" is the most dangerous word in the marketing world. Don't believe in freebies nothing will come free until you do the work for it and until you pay for it. 

When I watch a video I saw that one person sold brass as iridium but that is not actually Iridium. in this case, people need general awareness. And some companies and marketers feel proud when we spend and encourage our spending to sell their products and goods. 

Some businesses initially offer products with less or no price but slowly introduce and inject heavy prices that we won't recognize soon. 

Some financial Agencies say that they will give good and mind-blowing returns if we invest in their company but all these things should be done after personal analysis and research on the company while we invest. People tend to invest just because their neighbors invest, just because their friends invest, but that is not the correct way. 

In so many ways business use people's weakness and convert them into money example credit card gives an addiction for people to spend money that they really don't own but credit card companies later put heavy charges for late payment and so many other charges and collapse people's life. so dear people mind your weakness and be aware of these companies and marketers who want to monetize your weakness.

Lead Generation Tamil. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Lead Generation Tamil. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Content marketing: Creating valuable and informative content can attract potential customers to your website and help generate leads. This could include blog posts, whitepapers, e-books, webinars, and more.

Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimizing your website and content for search engines can help increase your visibility and drive more traffic to your site, which can lead to more leads.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: Running PPC campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads can drive targeted traffic to your website, increasing your chances of generating leads.

Social media marketing: Building a presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can help you connect with potential customers and generate leads.

Email marketing: Sending targeted and relevant email campaigns to a list of opted-in subscribers can help generate leads and build relationships with potential customers.

Affiliate marketing: Partnering with other businesses or individuals to promote your products or services can help generate leads and increase your reach.

Referral marketing: Encouraging current customers to refer their friends and family can be a powerful way to generate leads and acquire new customers.

Inbound marketing: Creating valuable content that attracts potential customers to your website and then guiding them through the sales funnel, can be a great way to generate leads.

Influencer marketing: Working with social media influencers to promote your products or services can help increase your visibility and generate leads.

Event marketing: Hosting or sponsoring events can help generate leads by providing an opportunity to connect with potential customers in person.

These are some of the most popular lead generation techniques, but there are many other methods that can also be effective. It's important to identify which techniques will work best for your business and target audience, and to regularly review and optimize your lead generation efforts.

A/B testing in Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 A/B testing in Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method used in digital marketing to compare two versions of a marketing campaign, website, or app to determine which version performs better. The goal of A/B testing is to improve the performance of a marketing campaign by making data-driven decisions.

A/B testing typically involves creating two versions of a campaign, website, or app, with a single variable changed between the two versions. For example, if you're testing a website, one version may have a different headline, while the other version has the same headline but a different call-to-action button.

The two versions are then randomly shown to a sample of users, and the performance of each version is measured using metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, or bounce rate. The version that performs better is then chosen as the winner and used for the entire audience.

A/B testing can be used for a variety of marketing campaigns such as email marketing, social media marketing, and online advertising. It allows marketers to make data-driven decisions on what works and what doesn't work, which can lead to an increase in conversions and revenue.

It's important to note that A/B testing should only be used to test a single variable at a time, so you can understand the specific impact of that change.

Leadership skills in Tamil. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Leadership skills in Tamil. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Communication: The ability to clearly and effectively communicate with team members, stakeholders, and other groups is crucial for successful leadership.

Vision: A strong leader should have a clear vision for the future of the organization and be able to inspire and guide others to work towards that vision.

Decision-making: Leaders must be able to make difficult decisions in a timely and effective manner.

Problem-solving: Leaders must be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently.

Strategic thinking: The ability to think strategically and plan for the long-term success of the organization is essential for leadership.

Emotional intelligence: Leaders must be able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and think on your feet is important for leadership.

Delegation: Leaders must be able to delegate tasks effectively and trust their team members to complete them.

Motivation: Leaders must be able to motivate and inspire their team members to reach their full potential.

Integrity: Strong leaders must be honest, transparent and act with integrity in all their decision making, setting an example for the rest of the team.

Omniture, Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics 360. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Omniture, Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics 360. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Omniture: Omniture, now known as Adobe Analytics, is a web analytics tool developed by Adobe. It provides a wide range of features for website analysis and optimization, including data collection, analysis, and reporting. Omniture can track website traffic, user behavior, conversion rates, and other key performance indicators (KPIs). It also allows businesses to segment their audience and create customized reports. Omniture is generally considered to be a more advanced analytics tool and is often used by larger organizations or those with a high level of technical expertise.

Adobe Analytics: Adobe Analytics is a web analytics platform that helps businesses understand the customer journey across multiple devices and channels. It provides robust data collection, analysis, and reporting capabilities, enabling businesses to gain insights into customer behavior, optimize their digital experiences, and measure marketing ROI. Adobe Analytics allows businesses to track and report on a wide range of metrics, including website traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement.

Google Analytics 360: Google Analytics 360 is a premium version of Google Analytics, which provides additional features and capabilities for businesses that need more advanced analytics capabilities. It includes additional data collection, analysis, and reporting tools, including advanced segments, custom funnels, and data-driven attribution. Additionally, it offers integration with other Google products such as Google Ads and BigQuery. It's often used by larger enterprises and businesses that require a high level of data analysis and reporting capabilities.

In summary, Omniture and Adobe Analytics are both advanced web analytics tools that provide robust data collection, analysis, and reporting capabilities. Google Analytics 360 is a premium version of Google Analytics, which provides additional features and capabilities for businesses that need more advanced analytics capabilities. All three tools are widely used by businesses of different sizes and industries to gain insights into customer behavior and improve their digital marketing efforts.

Mobile Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Mobile Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Mobile marketing is a form of digital marketing that specifically targets mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It uses a variety of techniques to reach and engage customers via mobile devices, including:

SMS Marketing: This involves sending text messages to customers with offers, promotions, or other information.

Mobile App Marketing: This involves promoting mobile apps through various channels such as app store optimization, in-app advertising, and push notifications.

Mobile Website Optimization: This involves optimizing a website for mobile devices, making it easy for users to navigate and interact with on a small screen.

QR Codes: This involves using QR codes to drive users to a specific website or landing page.

Location-Based Marketing: This involves using a customer's location to deliver targeted ads or offers, such as through GPS or beacons.

Social Media Marketing: This involves promoting products or services on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, specifically on mobile devices.

Mobile Video Marketing: This involves creating and distributing video content on mobile devices, such as through YouTube or TikTok.

In-game Advertising: This involves placing ads within mobile games, reaching users who are actively engaged in the game.

Proximity Marketing: This involves reaching customers with targeted messages based on their proximity to a specific location, such as a store or event.

Mobile marketing allows businesses to reach customers when they're on the go, and it's becoming increasingly important as more and more people access the internet through mobile devices. However, it's important to ensure that mobile marketing campaigns are relevant, personal and comply with the mobile marketing guidelines of the country where the campaign is being run. Additionally, businesses need to consider the mobile user experience and make sure that the content is easily readable and actionable on a small screen.

Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning, Market Automation. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks (Tamil)

Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning, Market Automation. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks (Tamil)

First of all, I want to convey here that artificial intelligence and machine learning are already used by many tech companies for their marketing automation works.

Intelligence in human beings and animals can be called Natural intelligence and the intelligence that we feed to machines or algorithms is called artificial intelligence. Learning that we do can be called human learning whereas learning by machines and when we make the Machines learn things and make informed decisions is called as machine learning.

Let me give a few steps of how we can implement this Artificial Intelligence and machine learning and market automation in our marketing data. You have the product or services and you are marketing it and definitely, you will have the marketing data either by doing digital marketing or other marketing techniques. Now process these marketing data using algorithms for segmenting the data for understanding the data, for creating patterns maybe we can call them data patterns and then find the relationship among the data and when we do all the data processing or data mining using machine learning or artificial intelligence then this will help in market automation.

Already big take companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and many tech companies use machine learning and artificial intelligence.

These technology companies using their AI Artificial Intelligence and machine learning capability chase the users with advertisements of their interest, they show videos, and reels, shorts based on user behavior. If you take Google Maps or voice search via voice typing, everywhere you can see artificial intelligence and machine learning among these tech giants and it is time for the marketing companies to leverage this technology.

Microsoft Clarity. For Webmaster and SEO. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

 Microsoft Clarity. For Webmaster and SEO. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

Microsoft Clarity is a free website analytics tool offered by Microsoft. It is designed to help website owners and marketers understand how users interact with their websites and identify areas for improvement.

Clarity provides a range of features such as:

Session recordings: Clarity can record user sessions on your website, providing a video replay of what users see and do on your site.

Heatmaps: Clarity can generate heatmaps to show where users are clicking, scrolling, and spending the most time on your site.

Funnel analysis: Clarity can help you identify the steps in a conversion funnel and see where users are dropping off.

Form analysis: Clarity can track form submissions and analyze how users interact with forms on your site.

User segments: Clarity allows you to segment users by different criteria such as referral source, location, device, and more.

Custom events: Clarity allows you to track custom events such as button clicks, form submissions, and more.

Integration with other tools: Clarity is integrated with other Microsoft tools such as Microsoft Dynamics and Azure.

Clarity's interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, it's easy to install by adding a small script to your website and it provides a wealth of data to help you understand user behavior and improve your website's user experience. Clarity is available to use for free, with a limit of 2 million page views per month and additional features available with a paid subscription.

Data-driven Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Data-driven Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Data-driven marketing is a strategy that uses data and analytics to inform and guide marketing decisions. It involves collecting and analyzing data on consumer behavior, preferences, and demographics to better understand the target audience and improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

The main elements of data-driven marketing include:

Data collection: This includes collecting data from various sources such as website analytics, social media, customer feedback, and market research.

Data analysis: This includes analyzing the data to identify patterns, trends, and insights that can inform marketing decisions.

Data-driven decision making: This includes using the insights gained from data analysis to make informed decisions about marketing strategies, tactics, and campaigns.

Continuous monitoring and testing: This includes using data to continually monitor and test the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

Data-driven marketing can help businesses make more informed decisions about their marketing efforts, improve the effectiveness of their campaigns, and ultimately drive better results. By using data and analytics to understand consumer behavior and preferences, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to better meet the needs of their target audience, optimize their campaigns for better results, and ultimately increase ROI.

It's important to note that data-driven marketing requires a combination of technological tools such as analytics software and the ability to analyze and interpret data by the marketing team. Additionally, it's important to ensure data is collected and used ethically and comply with data privacy regulations.

Marketing plan. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Marketing plan. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

A marketing plan is a document that outlines the overall marketing strategy for a business. It typically includes the following elements:

Executive Summary: A brief overview of the overall marketing plan, including the main goals and objectives of the plan.

Situation Analysis: A review of the current market situation, including analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Target Market: A description of the target market, including demographic, psychographic, and geographic information.

Marketing Mix: A detailed description of the product or service, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies.

Implementation: A plan for how the marketing strategies will be implemented, including a timeline and budget.

Evaluation and Control: A plan for measuring and evaluating the success of the marketing plan, including key performance indicators (KPIs) and a system for monitoring progress and making adjustments as needed.

Supporting Documents: Additional information and data that supports the marketing plan, such as market research, competitive analysis, and sales projections.

A marketing plan is a crucial document for any business as it outlines the strategies and tactics that the business will use to achieve its marketing objectives. It's important to remember that a marketing plan should be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect changes in the market and the business's goals.

Selfie Marketing. What is it? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Selfie Marketing. What is it? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Selfie marketing is a form of social media marketing that involves the use of selfies, or self-portrait photographs, to promote a product, service, or brand. It is a way for businesses and individuals to use their own personal image and experiences to connect with their audience and build a personal brand.

Selfie marketing can include things like:

Posting selfies on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase a product, service, or brand
Creating and sharing selfie-based content such as tutorials, reviews, or behind-the-scenes footage
Using selfies to build personal connections with customers and followers through social media interactions and personal messaging
Creating and sharing selfies in a specific context, such as while using a product, participating in an event or traveling.
Selfie marketing can be effective because it allows businesses and individuals to connect with their audience on a personal level and create a sense of authenticity and trust. It can also help to increase brand awareness and drive engagement with a product or service. However, it's important to keep in mind that the use of selfies should be appropriate and relevant to the product or service and the target audience. Additionally, it's important to respect the privacy of others when taking selfies or using images of other people in marketing campaigns.

Fan Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Fan Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Engage with your fans and followers: Respond to comments and messages, ask for feedback and input, and make an effort to build personal connections with your audience. This will help create a sense of community and encourage engagement.

Create user-generated content: Encourage your fans and followers to share their own content related to your brand, such as reviews, photos, or testimonials. This can help create a sense of community and increase brand loyalty.

Run contests and giveaways: Hosting contests or giveaways can be a great way to encourage engagement and increase brand awareness.

Use Influencer marketing: Partner with influencers in your industry or niche to promote your brand to their followers. This can help increase your visibility and reach a new audience.

Leverage social proof: Use social proof such as reviews, testimonials, and customer success stories to build trust and credibility with your audience.

Create personalized campaigns: Create campaigns that are tailored to specific segments of your audience, such as location, demographics, or interests. This can help increase the relevance and effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Host webinars or events: Hosting webinars or events can be a great way to engage with your audience and provide valuable information or entertainment.

Use social listening: Use social media listening tools to monitor mentions of your brand, competitors and industry, and respond to feedback or complaints in a timely and professional manner.

Create a loyalty program: Create a loyalty program that rewards your most loyal customers with discounts, exclusive deals, or early access to new products or services.

Use cross-promotion: Collaborate with other brands or businesses in your industry to cross-promote each other's products or services. This can help increase visibility and reach new audiences.

By following these strategies, you can improve your marketing efforts and build stronger relationships with your fans and followers, which can ultimately lead to more engagement and sales.

Hygiene is the new marketing trend. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

 Hygiene is the new marketing trend. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

Yes, hygiene is the new marketing trend. Particularly after the Covid spread, the trend further goes up. Some Street vendors and some shops in India still prioritize other things but not hygiene and sanitation. This video introduces shop owners and customers to keep a hygienic ecosystem in the shopping experience. I have been talking about a lot of strategies related to marketing, and I personally feel that hygiene and sanitation place an essential role in marketing your products and services. Thank you. Search analyst Sasikumar talks.

People prefer shops that are clean and hygienic for several reasons:

Health and safety: A clean and hygienic environment helps to reduce the risk of spreading germs and illness, which is especially important during the pandemics.

Trust and confidence: Shops that are clean and hygienic instill trust and confidence in customers. They are more likely to believe that the products being sold are safe and of good quality.

Comfort: A clean and hygienic environment is more comfortable to be in, and customers are more likely to stay and browse for longer periods of time.

Professionalism: A clean and hygienic shop projects a professional image and gives the impression that the business takes care of its customers.

Brand reputation: A clean and hygienic environment is an important aspect of a business's reputation, and it helps to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Positive experience: Customers associate a clean and hygienic shop with a positive experience, which can lead to increased customer loyalty.

What is SEO, SEM, and SMO? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 What is SEO, SEM, and SMO? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

#seo #sem #smo #searchanalystsasikumartalks

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords and phrases. This includes tactics such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. The goal of SEO is to increase organic traffic to a website by making it more visible to search engines.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is the practice of using paid advertising on search engines to reach potential customers. This includes tactics such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, shopping ads, and display ads. The goal of SEM is to increase visibility and drive traffic to a website by appearing at the top of search engine results pages.

SMO (Social Media Optimization) is the practice of using social media platforms to increase visibility and drive traffic to a website. This includes tactics such as creating and sharing content, engaging with followers, and running social media ads. The goal of SMO is to increase brand awareness and reach a larger audience by leveraging the power of social media platforms.

All three, SEO, SEM, and SMO are important to increase visibility and drive traffic to a website and are complementary to each other.

The Unedited videos by search analyst Sasikumar talks (Tamil)

 The Unedited videos by search analyst Sasikumar talks (Tamil)

Whether or not you can publish unedited videos depends on the specific context and platform on which you intend to publish them.

In general, platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and TikTok have guidelines and terms of service that you must follow when uploading content. These guidelines may prohibit certain types of content, such as hate speech, violence, and other forms of offensive material. Additionally, they may require that you have permission from any individuals appearing in your videos or that you have the rights to any music or other copyrighted materials used in your videos.

It's also important to consider any legal or ethical implications of publishing unedited videos. For example, if the video contains sensitive or private information about someone, it may be illegal or unethical to publish it without their consent.

In short, you must review the terms of service of the platform you want to publish on and make sure that you are not violating any laws or ethical guidelines.

Traditional Marketing V/S Digital Marketing (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Traditional Marketing V/S Digital Marketing (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

#marketing #traditionalmarketing #digitalmarketing

In this video, I explain how digital marketing has an advantage over traditional marketing. By using digital marketing techniques, we can automate our work, measure and track our performance, and conduct marketing activities 24/7. Additionally, digital marketing can reach a worldwide audience and is less expensive than traditional methods. With the growth of the digital marketing industry, it is becoming increasingly important to target the right audience.

However, traditional marketing also has its benefits. It emotionally and socially connects people and attracts local audiences for local retailers. There is also a unique value and respect for traditional marketing ideas and advertisements. Furthermore, there are many people who have an old-fashioned mindset, which makes them prefer traditional methods. Additionally, traditional marketing can provide more credibility than digital marketing. Ultimately, a combination of traditional and digital marketing can be a good strategy for any marketer. Thank you.

Traditional Marketing and my Personal opinion. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Traditional Marketing and my Personal opinion. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

#marketing #traditionalmarketing #digitalmarketing

Hello everyone in this video I have explained my experience and connection with traditional marketing,, and yes,  I am a 40 years old fellow who knows both traditional marketing and digital marketing. In our house, I have a television. But, we watch YouTube on our TV, I don't have the habit of reading a newspaper and checking the advertisements. I don't have a radio, and I rarely enjoy listening to FM on the phone.

Occasionally while walking on the street, some marketing person will hand over flyers and leaflets,  and these advertisements are not getting my attention. I always want to search on the internet using search engines to find out the services and products which I like.

By sharing my experience, I want to convey that people are slowly losing interest in traditional marketing strategies, and only digital marketing strategies or the mix of traditional and digital marketing strategies works, yah attracting the customer's attention.

Sitka Sound, Alaska, is home to these cuties, the smallest species of marine mammal. What are they?

 Sea Otters. (English) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks Today

Sea otters, members of the weasel family, live in the cold waters of the North Pacific Coast, from California up to Alaska. They live in groups called rafts and spend most of the day fishing and eating. Otters burn a huge amount of calories, so they eat up to 25% of their body weight a day to keep their cold-water, aquatic lifestyle going. Their thick, water-repelling fur, the densest of any mammal, is so effective their skin never actually gets wet. That allows them to comfortably spend almost their entire lives in the water. Courtesy: Bing.com

Adsense. Where to start it to make money? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Adsense. Where to start it to make money? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

#adsense #seo #searchanalystsasikumartalks 

1. Book a domain
2. Create a Blog
3. Post every day/week (try at least 40 posts)
4. Bring some traffic to your website. (50-100visits/day)
5. Try trending content and target developed countries.
6. Apply Adsense (adsense.google.com)
7. Wait a couple of weeks for approval.
8. Start Earning.

100 Backlinks per Day? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 100 Backlinks per Day? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

#backlinks #backlinkstamil #seo #searchanalystsasikumartalks

I have seen, and even now I come to hear, that some SEO Companies, not all appoint SEO specialists who actually not doing the real SEO. They assign them data entry kinds of works like building building with 500 BL counts or 100 BL counts in a day, and that is not the right way to do SEO because instead of creating backlinks, one should create great content that could build up natural backlinks.

It's a type of Grey hat SEO but whenever you do a lot of backlinks Give keep these things in your mind don't build backlinks from useless websites, I mean irrelevant websites and very low-quality website.

Building 100 quality backlinks can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies you can use to acquire them:

Create high-quality content: If you have a website or blog, creating high-quality and informative content can attract natural backlinks from other websites. The more valuable and informative your content is, the more likely other websites will be to link to it.

Guest blogging: Reach out to other websites or blogs in your niche or industry and offer to write a guest post. This can help to build relationships with other websites and gain backlinks.

Directory submissions: Submit your website to relevant directories, such as online business directories, industry-specific directories, and local directories.

Social media: Share your content on social media and engage with other users. This can help to increase visibility and attract backlinks.

Commenting: Leave thoughtful and relevant comments on other websites and blogs in your niche or industry. This can help to build relationships and attract backlinks.

Broken link building: Search for broken links on other websites and inform the website owner about it, then suggest your own website as a replacement.

Press release: Write and distribute press releases about your business or website to online news outlets.

Infographics: Create shareable infographics with valuable information and embed them on your website.

Participate in online communities: Participate in online communities such as forums, discussion boards, and social media groups in your niche or industry and provide valuable input.

Paid Advertising: You can consider paid advertising such as Sponsored post on popular websites or blogs, but it's important to keep in mind that these links might not be followed and may not be as valuable as natural links.

Please note that acquiring backlinks from low-quality or irrelevant websites can actually harm your website's search engine rankings. It's important to focus on acquiring quality backlinks from reputable websites that are relevant to your niche or industry.

Viral Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Viral Marketing. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Viral marketing is a strategy that aims to use social networks to achieve a rapid increase in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing goals through self-replicating viral processes. The idea behind viral marketing is to create content or a message that is so interesting or valuable that it is shared by a large number of people, who in turn share it with their own networks.

There are a few key elements that are typically present in viral marketing campaigns:

A catchy message or piece of content: The message or content needs to be interesting, valuable, or entertaining enough to be shared by a large number of people.

A call to action: The message or content needs to include a call to action, encouraging people to share it with their own networks.

Social networks: Viral marketing relies heavily on the power of social networks to spread the message or content quickly and widely.

Emotion: People are more likely to share something that evokes an emotional response, such as laughter, awe, or inspiration.

A creative format: The message or content can be presented in a creative format like videos, memes, infographics, images, etc.

Some examples of viral marketing campaigns that have been successful in the past include:

The "Will It Blend?" campaign by Blendtec, which featured videos of the company's blenders blending unusual items such as an iPhone and a hockey puck.

The "Old Spice Man" campaign, which featured a series of humorous videos featuring a man dressed in a suit and on a horse.

The "Ice Bucket Challenge" campaign, which raised awareness and funds for ALS research by challenging people to dump a bucket of ice water on their heads and nominate others to do the same.

It's important to note that viral marketing can be difficult to predict and execute as it's largely depends on the audience's engagement and sharing, and it can't be forced or planned. However, by creating interesting, valuable, and shareable content, and by leveraging the power of social networks, you can increase the chances of your message or content going viral.

Attention Please!!! Marketing Via Attention. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Attention Please!!! Marketing Via Attention. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Create a Unique Value Proposition: Develop a clear and compelling message that highlights the unique benefits of your product or service. This will help to create attention and attract potential customers.

Use Visuals and Images: Use images and visuals that stand out and grab attention. This can include colorful graphics, infographics, and videos.

Use Influencers: Partner with influencers in your niche who have a large following. This will help to reach a larger audience and create attention for your brand.

Use Contests and Giveaways: Hosting a contest or giveaway can create attention and generate buzz for your brand. Make sure to promote the contest or giveaway on your social media channels and website.

Use Social Media: Create attention-grabbing content and use social media platforms to promote your brand. Utilize features such as hashtags and Instagram stories to reach a larger audience.

Host Events: Host events such as webinars, conferences, and workshops. This can create attention and attract potential customers.

Create a landing page: Create a landing page that highlights your unique value proposition and includes a call-to-action. Promote the page on social media and other platforms.

Use PR: Use public relations to generate media coverage and create attention for your brand. Reach out to journalists and media outlets to share your story.

Create Viral Content: Create content that is likely to be shared and go viral. This can include videos, infographics, and memes.

Use Storytelling: Use storytelling to create an emotional connection and capture the attention of potential customers. Share your brand's story and the impact it has on customers.

SEO (Organic Promotion) vs PPC ads (Paid Promotion). (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 SEO (Organic Promotion) vs PPC ads (Paid Promotion). (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

SEO (Organic Promotion) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads are both digital marketing strategies used to increase website traffic and visibility. However, they differ in terms of how they work and the results they can produce.

SEO (Organic Promotion) is a process of optimizing a website and its content to improve its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) without paying for it. This is done by using techniques such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building to improve a website's ranking and visibility for relevant search terms. The ultimate goal of SEO is to achieve a high ranking on SERPs, which can lead to more organic traffic to a website.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads, on the other hand, is a form of advertising where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. These ads are typically displayed at the top or bottom of SERPs and are marked as "Ad" to differentiate them from organic results. PPC ads allow businesses to reach a targeted audience quickly, and the cost of the advertising is determined by the bid amount and the competition for the targeted keywords.

In summary, SEO is a long-term strategy to improve a website's visibility in SERPs organically, whereas PPC is a paid strategy to quickly increase visibility and drive traffic to a website through ads. Both SEO and PPC have their own strengths and weaknesses and can be used together to achieve the best results.

Digital Marketing. How to Start? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Digital Marketing. How to Start? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

One of the most important things to do when doing digital marketing work for a website or business is to first understand the market and the business. The SEO specialist should communicate with the client or business owner to gain an understanding of the business. They should then conduct further research on the business and market to acquire knowledge of the industry. After that, they should begin keyword and competitor analysis for the website, and then plan the SEO strategy. More information on this topic can be found in the video. Please take a look. Thank you.    

is Coding a must for SEO? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 is Coding a must for SEO? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

"I have noticed that some SEO specialists and digital marketers are not interested in learning code, such as the basics of HTML, CSS, or any other coding language. However, understanding the structure of a website, which is built on coding, can greatly benefit SEO specialists and digital marketers in optimizing it better. On-page optimization techniques in SEO often require at least a basic understanding of coding. Having advanced expertise in coding can greatly enhance a digital marketer's capabilities and lead to success in marketing."

Digital Marketing, Search analyst Sasikumar talks Naturally.

 Digital Marketing, Search analyst Sasikumar talks Naturally, Unedited.

Hi all, I am Sasi Kumar search analyst. I am presenting this video without preparation, and I am talking about digital marketing casually naturally, and the video is un-edited; as a disclaimer, I am telling you that it might be boring for someone who is already busy or unrelated to digital marketing or for someone who needs well-edited content. apart from all these things,  if there is someone who watches this video to the entire length. I am thankful to them, and I expect comments and feedback from digital marketing people with little or more information to share about digital marketing. Thank you for watching this 20 minutes video. Thank you very much.

1 Lakh/Day via Adsense for Blogger. Possible? Yes. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

 1 Lakh/Day via Adsense for Blogger. Possible? Yes. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

Yes, it is possible to make 1 lakh rupees per day using blog posting and delivering high-traffic blogs using trending topics and ad revenue content and an affluent audience. It is possible again, I am telling you. Still, you need to develop skills like content writing and then keyboard research and then finding the trending topics and strategies to build traffic for your website, and then covering issues that are not covered yet. I have witnessed blogs that could earn 100000 per day, but the consistency is critical, and the original content is significant. Thank you very much, from search analyst Sasikumar.

What is Retail Marketing? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 What is Retail Marketing? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

In this video, I am explaining retail marketing. Marketers can be classified into wholesale marketers and retail marketers. Usually, retailers, buy goods from wholesalers or manufacturers, and they're directly selling to the customers. There are 6 decision-making things in retail marketing, and they are product, price, place, personal, presentation and promotion. Thank you. With regards, search analyst Sasikumar talks.

How to write content? (Tamil) Search analyst Sasikumar talks

 How to write content? (Tamil) Search analyst Sasikumar talks

I have shared some of the tips to write content better. In step 1, you need to follow the voice typing. In step 2, use the Grammarly application, and in step 3, you can review it thoroughly without software or application. In this video, I missed one thing, and that is the phone link. You can use the phone Link application to connect your laptop or computer with your phone, which will help you to copy and paste between computer and phone quickly, and this will ease up your work.

Webmaster and Search console Set up for SEO Beginners. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks


Get started


Search Console


1. Requires DNS verification
2. Allows multiple verification methods

Verification Method.


Digital Marketing Activities few might have skipped. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 Digital Marketing Activities few might have skipped. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Yes, I know that you are doing digital marketing and you are doing activities like Search Engine Optimization and then social media Optimization and then if required Google advertising, Facebook advertising, and a lot of other online marketing activities like email marketing, and yes I know that you are doing all these digital marketing activities, but I just want to remind you that few of the digital marketers might keep some of the activities or may understand that those activities may not be relevant to the digital marketing work, and I guess it is also covering under digital marketing which includes lead generation through Webinar and then using WhatsApp and telegram business account, and then these are the activities marketing specialist can work as an outreach specialist. Usually, approach the bloggers for guest posting, and through those guest posts, they create backlinks to their website. This is the some of the activities that a few digital marketers may think it is not relevant to them, but they can consider these activities also. Thank you very much.

Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: Running ads on search engines and social media platforms that only charge when someone clicks on the ad.

Content marketing: Creating and distributing valuable and relevant content to attract and engage a specific target audience.

Social media marketing: Using social media platforms to promote products or services and engage with customers.

Email marketing: Sending promotional emails to a list of subscribers to generate leads and sales.

Influencer marketing: Partnering with social media influencers to reach a larger audience and promote a brand.

Affiliate marketing: Partnering with other businesses to promote their products or services and earn a commission on sales.

Video marketing: Creating and distributing videos to promote products or services and educate customers.

Mobile marketing: Creating mobile-optimized campaigns and ads to reach customers on their smartphones and tablets.

Google Analytics: Analyzing website traffic and user behavior to measure the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Are you shooting Youtube video via ordinary phone? 3 tips. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

 Are you shooting Youtube video via ordinary phone? 3 tips. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

Many budget YouTubers use ordinary cameras inbuilt into the phone. This camera might not be a high-end camera. For them, I have 3 tips. Check your internet connection. The connection should be strong to have better shooting. Next, check your phone's charge. Last, do not keep a long distance from the phone camera as it might affect video/audio quality. Regards, Sasikumar.

Yes, you can shoot YouTube videos using an ordinary smartphone. Many smartphones today have high-quality cameras that are capable of capturing video footage that is suitable for YouTube. The quality of the video will depend on the specific model and make of your smartphone, as well as the lighting conditions and other factors.

There are a few things to consider when shooting YouTube videos with a smartphone:

Lighting: Make sure that the area you are shooting in is well-lit, as this will help to ensure that the video footage is of high quality.

Stabilization: Holding the phone steady while shooting can be a challenge, consider using a tripod or a stabilizer to keep the phone steady.

Audio: Sound quality is an important part of any video, make sure you have a good microphone or use the one built-in to the phone.

Editing: Most smartphones come with a built-in video editing software or you can download one from the app store. Use it to edit your video, add text, music, and other effects to make your video more engaging.

File format and resolution: Check the format and resolution of your video before uploading it to YouTube, YouTube prefers videos in MP4 format with H.264 codec and a resolution of 1080p or higher.

Overall, shooting YouTube videos with a smartphone is a great way to create high-quality videos without the need for expensive equipment. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your videos are of high quality and engaging for your audience.

All about Ahrefs. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.


All about Ahrefs. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

In this video, I am explaining Ahrefs, an important SEO tool. With the memory word CSK, I have explained the Content explorer, Site explorer, and Keyword explorer in Ahrefs. More details such as backlinks, keyword difficulty, domain comparison, etc. about Ahrefs are shared by me. Kindly watch this video and share your comment.

Ahrefs is a toolset for backlink analysis, keyword research and content analysis. It's a powerful tool that helps users to understand how the web is connected, and it's used by SEO professionals, digital marketers, and content creators to improve their online presence.

Here are a few key features of Ahrefs:

Backlink Analysis: Ahrefs allows users to analyze the backlinks of any website. It provides detailed information about the number of backlinks, the quality of the links, the anchor text used, and the linking domains. This information can help users to understand the link profile of a website and identify potential link building opportunities.

Keyword Research: Ahrefs allows users to research keywords, it provides data on search volumes, CPC, and competition for each keyword. It also allows users to find new keywords and long-tail keywords that are related to their niche.

Content Analysis: Ahrefs allows users to analyze the content of any website, it provides data on the top-performing content, the keywords used, and the social shares of the content. This information can help users to understand the content strategy of a website and identify content gaps.

Site Explorer: Ahrefs allows users to explore any website, it provides data on the organic search traffic, the top organic search keywords, and the top pages. This information can help users to understand the performance of a website and identify opportunities for improvement.

Rank Tracker: Ahrefs allows users to track the search engine rankings of their website or their client's website, it provides data on the rankings, the search volume and the CPC of each keyword.

Why do People Dislike my Youtube Video? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

 Why do People Dislike my Youtube Video? (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

This video helps you to understand why some people dislike some videos. The key answer is people dislike a video for silly reasons or really serious reasons. So It is always better to give attention and have a review on your videos again. At the same time, instead of taking dislikes alone into account, one should take likes, shares, subscribers, accrued views, average view duration, etc. to understand the scenario which will help you make decisions for that particular video. Thank you.

There are several reasons why people may dislike a YouTube video. Some possible reasons include:

Content: The video's content may be offensive, controversial, or not relevant to the viewer. The video may contain misinformation or be too biased or one-sided.

Quality: The video's quality may be poor, with low resolution or poor sound quality. The video may be too long, too short, or not engaging.

Expectation: The video may not meet the viewer's expectations, they may have been looking for something else, or the title of the video may be misleading.

Personal Preference: The video may not align with the viewer's personal preferences or interests.

Disagreement with the Creator: The viewer may dislike the video because they disagree with the creator's views, opinions, or actions.

Technical issues: The video may not be loading properly, buffering or having audio syncing issues.

It's worth noting that people can dislike a video for various reasons, and it's not always possible to please everyone. A video with a high dislike ratio may not necessarily be a bad video, but it may be that it does not resonate with certain audiences. It's important for creators to consider the feedback from the dislikes and use it to improve their content.

5 Unknown/Known facts about YOU.. YOUTUBE VIDEOS. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 5 Unknown/Known facts about YOU.. YOUTUBE VIDEOS. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world: YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, after Google. It is used by over 2 billion monthly active users, and over 1 billion hours of video are watched on the platform every day.

YouTube is available in over 100 countries and in 80 languages: YouTube is available in over 100 countries and in 80 languages, which makes it accessible to a global audience.

YouTube is owned by Google: YouTube was founded in 2005, and in 2006, Google purchased it for $1.65 billion.

YouTube has a strict guideline and policy: YouTube has strict guidelines and policies in place to keep the platform safe and appropriate for all users. Videos that violate these policies may be removed or receive a strike, which can lead to the termination of an account.

YouTube algorithm uses engagement and watch time to rank videos: YouTube algorithm uses engagement, including likes, comments, and shares, and watch time to determine the ranking of videos in search results and recommended videos. This means that videos that are engaging and keep viewers watching for a longer period of time are more likely to be recommended and seen by a larger audience.

Five unknown facts about YouTube: In our daily lives, we watch many YouTube videos, and sometimes, we may not be aware of the misinformation that is prevalent across some of the video content. It is important for parents to teach their children about this, as children tend to trust and accept whatever they see and watch on YouTube without questioning it.
Another fact is, not all YouTubers make money, despite the time and effort they put into creating and promoting their videos. Additionally, not all YouTube content creators are subject experts, as they may prepare scripts and edit videos without being experts in the subject. Additionally, many people choose to become YouTubers as a profession, not only for financial gain but also for the influence and fame it can bring. Lastly, views do not always indicate that a video's content is worth watching, as some videos may be promoted through paid means rather than being organically acquired.

Social Media, Friends and Followers. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

 Social Media, Friends and Followers. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

#socialmediaoptimization #socialmedia #seo #searchanalystsasikumartalks

If you want to build friends on social media, You should engage in your friends' social media profiles. Friends can only be made by Mutual exchange of relationships, Values, And engagement.

If you want to build followers in your social media account, Then you should deliver Content consistently and meet your followers' expectations.

Just think about how you build friends and followers in real life. In the same way, develop friends and followers On social media channels.

Thank you for watching this video, and reading this blog, on any day, if you need a social media service, please get in touch with me.

Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others, allow users to connect with friends and followers.

Friends on social media are typically people you know in real life, such as family members, classmates, or coworkers, who you have connected with on a social media platform. Friends can see your posts and updates, and you can see theirs. You can also interact with each other, such as by commenting or messaging.

Followers, on the other hand, are typically people who you do not know in real life, but who have chosen to follow your account. They may be interested in your content or your brand. Followers can see your posts and updates, but you may not be able to see their posts or updates unless they are public.

Both friends and followers can help to expand your reach and increase engagement on your social media posts. Friends can provide support and encouragement, while followers can help to promote your content to a wider audience. However, it's important to remember that having many friends and followers doesn't necessarily mean that you are successful on social media, it's the engagement and the relevance of the content that truly matters.

In addition, social media platforms offer several features and options for users, such as groups, pages, communities, and stories, that allow people to connect and share information based on their interests, hobbies or profession. Also, social media platforms have different algorithms that prioritize the posts that are shown to the users, and it's important for creators to understand those algorithms in order to optimize their content and reach their target audience.

5 Silly Mistakes while making my Youtube videos. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 5 Silly Mistakes while making my Youtube videos. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Not testing your equipment: Not checking your equipment before filming can lead to poor audio or video quality, which can negatively impact the overall viewing experience for your audience.

Not planning your content: Not planning your content ahead of time can lead to rambling, disorganized, or unengaging videos, which can make it difficult for viewers to stay interested.

Ignoring lighting and sound: Poor lighting or sound can make it difficult for viewers to see or hear your video, which can negatively impact the overall viewing experience.

Not considering the background: Not considering the background of your video can lead to a cluttered or unprofessional-looking video, which can make it difficult for viewers to take you or your message seriously.

Not editing your video: Not editing your video can lead to a video that is too long, has poor transitions, or includes irrelevant information, which can make it difficult for viewers to stay engaged.

5 Mannerisms few Youtubers Unsubscribe. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

 5 Mannerisms few Youtubers Unsubscribe. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

Not being transparent: Some YouTubers may not be fully transparent about their affiliations, sponsorships, or partnerships, which can lead to a lack of trust from their audience.

Not engaging with their audience: Some YouTubers may not take the time to engage with their audience by responding to comments and messages, which can lead to a lack of community and connection with their viewers.

Not being consistent: Some YouTubers may not upload content on a regular schedule, which can make it difficult for viewers to know when to expect new content and can lead to a loss of audience engagement.

Not being authentic: Some YouTubers may present a false persona or exaggerate certain aspects of their lives, which can lead to a lack of trust and authenticity with their audience.

Not following community guidelines: Some YouTubers may not follow the community guidelines set by YouTube, which can lead to their videos being flagged or removed, and could lead to the termination of their account.

ADLIBS: Basic Digital Advertising Inputs to run your ADs. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

 ADLIBS: Basic Digital Advertising Inputs to run your ADs. (Tamil) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks

Define your target audience: Identify your target audience by considering factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviors. This will help you to create ads that are more likely to be seen by the people you want to reach.

Choose the right keywords: Research and select keywords that are relevant to your product or service and that your target audience is likely to use when searching online.

Create compelling ad copy: Write ad copy that is clear, concise, and compelling. Make sure that your ad copy includes a call-to-action and is tailored to your target audience.

Use engaging visual elements: Use images or videos that are visually appealing and relevant to your ad. This will help to attract attention and make your ad more memorable.

Test and optimize your ads: Continuously test and optimize your ads by monitoring their performance and making adjustments as needed. Test different ad copy, images, and targeting options to see what works best.

Set a budget and bid: Set a budget for your ads and bid for specific keywords. This will help you to control your costs and avoid overspending on advertising.

Set a schedule: Set a schedule for your ads to run. Decide the days and hours you want your ads to be visible.

Measure and analyze: Measure and analyze the performance of your ads. Use metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI) to evaluate the effectiveness of your ads.

Use retargeting: Use retargeting to reach people who have interacted with your website or your ads. This can help to increase conversions and boost ROI.

By following these basic points, you'll be well on your way to running successful digital advertising campaigns on Google or Bing.

Digital Marketing Training. SEO, SEM, SMO, Training. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

 Digital Marketing Training. SEO, SEM, SMO, Training. Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks.

The specific modules included in a digital marketing training program may vary depending on the provider, but here are some common topics that are typically covered in such a program:

Introduction to Digital Marketing: This module covers the basic concepts of digital marketing, including an overview of the different channels and techniques used in digital marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This module covers the techniques and best practices used to improve a website's visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: This module covers the concepts and strategies behind pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, including how to set up and manage PPC campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Social Media Marketing: This module covers the strategies and best practices for marketing on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Email Marketing: This module covers the concepts and strategies behind email marketing, including how to create and send effective email campaigns.

Content Marketing: This module covers the strategies and best practices for creating and distributing valuable and relevant content to attract and engage a target audience.

Web Analytics: This module covers the concepts and tools used to track and analyze website traffic and user behavior, including Google Analytics.

Mobile Marketing: This module covers the strategies and best practices for reaching and engaging customers via mobile devices.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): This module covers the techniques and best practices used to optimize a website to increase the conversion rate of visitors into customers.

E-commerce: This module covers the concepts and strategies behind online retail and how to create and manage an e-commerce website.

Influencer Marketing: This module covers the concepts and strategies behind influencer marketing and how to work effectively with influencers.

Video Marketing: This module covers the concepts and strategies behind video marketing and how to create and distribute video content effectively.

Digital Marketing Campaign Management: This module covers the process of planning, executing, and measuring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing Career: This module covers the career opportunities available in digital marketing and how to prepare for a career in this field.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks (Tamil) for Digital Marketers.

 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks (Tamil) for Digital Marketers.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics that are used to measure the performance and success of a digital marketing campaign. They provide important information on how well a campaign is performing and can help to identify areas that need improvement.

Some common KPIs in digital marketing include:

Traffic: The number of visitors to a website or landing page.

Engagement: The level of engagement of visitors to a website or landing page, including metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), bounce rate, and time spent on site.

Conversions: The number of conversions or actions taken by visitors on a website or landing page, such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter.

Return on investment (ROI): The financial return on a digital marketing campaign, calculated as the revenue generated by the campaign divided by the cost of the campaign.

Lead generation: The number of leads generated by a digital marketing campaign, typically measured by the number of people who fill out a form or sign up for a newsletter.

Social media metrics: Metrics for measuring the effectiveness of social media campaigns, such as likes, shares, comments, and followers.

Email marketing metrics: Metrics for measuring the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

By tracking these and other KPIs, digital marketers can gain insights into the performance of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize and improve their marketing efforts.

What is Click Through Rate (CTR)? Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks ( Tamil ) (Part 1)

 What is Click Through Rate (CTR)? Search Analyst Sasikumar Talks ( Tamil ) (Part 1)

Click Through Rate (CTR) is a metric used in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to measure the effectiveness of a website or a specific web page in generating clicks from search engine results pages (SERPs). It is calculated by dividing the number of clicks on a website or web page by the number of times it was shown, typically expressed as a percentage.

For example, if a website receives 100 clicks and it was shown 1,000 times, the CTR would be 10%.

CTR is an important metric in SEO because it can indicate how well a website or web page is performing in terms of attracting and engaging its target audience. A high CTR can indicate that a website or web page is relevant and valuable to its target audience and is effectively attracting and engaging them. A low CTR, on the other hand, can indicate that a website or web page is not effectively attracting or engaging its target audience and may need to be optimized.

CTR can also be useful in determining the effectiveness of specific elements on a website or web page, such as titles, meta descriptions, and headlines, in attracting clicks from SERPs. By monitoring CTR, you can make data-driven decisions on how to optimize your website or web page to improve its performance in SERPs.