How to Learn Coding Python?

 How to Learn Coding Python?

Python is a high-level, dynamic, object-oriented, interpreted and generally used in programming language. Guido Van Rossum designed this in 1991. It is used for web-development(sever-side), software development, mathematics, system scripting, artificial intelligence. Fortunately for beginners, Python has simple easy-to-use syntax. This makes Python an excellent language to learn to program for beginners. Python is a cross-platform programming language, which means that it can run on multiple platforms like Windows, MacOS, Linux, and has even been ported to the Java and .NET virtual machines. It is free and open-source. Version of python are Python 1, Python 2, Python 3 in that latest Version is Python 3.9.1.

Installation of Python 

  • Step 1: Select Version of Python to Install.

  • Step 2: Download Python Executable Installer.

  • Step 3: Run Executable Installer.

  • Step 4: Verify Python Was Installed On Windows.

  • Step 5: Verify Pip Was Installed.

  • Step 6: Add Python Path to Environment Variables (Optional)

  • Step 7: Install virtual Nv (Optional)


Before starting coding of Python you have to learn some basic about Python after that you will be writing own Python program quickly.


Step 1: Data Types And Variables


A data type is an attribute of data which tells the compiler (or interpreter) how the programmer intends to use the data. There are many data types like Numbers, Strings, Boolean, Lists, Tuples, Dictionary, Sets. Python provides three main data types are Number, String, Boolean.

  • String Type: str  For Example x = str("Hello World") 

  • Numeric Types: int , float , complex. For Example x = int(20), x = float(20.5), x = complex(1j)

  • Boolean Type: bool. For Example x = bool(5)


Variables are containers for storing data values.

For Example:

x = 5

y= “john”

print (x)






Step 2: Conditional Statements

A conditional statement is a Boolean expression that, if True, executes a piece of code. This is a great way to give your program some branching logic that controls the flow of code.

There are three types of conditional statements they are if, if-else, if-elif-else 

Step 3: Functions

A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called. In that you can also pass data into a function which is known as parameter. A function can return data as result. There are two type of function there are built-in function, user-defined function. 

User-Define Function

User defined functions are those that we define ourselves in our program and then call them wherever we want.

Built-In Functions 

Built-in functions are those that are already defined in Python libraries and we can call them directly.

Step 4: Loops 

Looping statement is the statements which execute one or more statement repeatedly several number of times. They are for loop, while loop.

For Loop

For loop is used to iterate over elements of a sequence. It is often used when you have a piece of code which you want to repeat "n" number of time. 

While Loop

While Loop is used to repeat a block of code. Instead of running the code block once, it executes the code block multiple times until a certain condition is met.

Step 5: Data Structures

A data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a compute so that it can be used effectively. They are two types, built-in data structure and user-defined data structure. 

Built-In Data Structure

Build-in data structure makes the programming easier and helps you to use them to obtain a faster solution. Almost 80% of real-world data is covered with these four data structures. It has four primary data structure that is list, tuples, dictionaries, set.


Most commonly used data structure in Python is List. It allows you to store elements of different data types in one container. 

For Example:

jon_snow = ["Jon Snow", "Winterfell, 30]

  print (jon_snow) # prints entire list 


  print (jon_snow[0]) # prints the first letter in the list


  print (len(jon_snow)) # prints the length of the list


It is very similar to List with the difference of mutability. Once data is entered into tuples, it
cannot change, making tuple immutable. The size of the tuples is fixed. 

For Example:

car = ("Ford", "Raptor", 2019, "Red")

  print (car)


  print (len(car))


  print (car[1])


  print (car[2:])


A dictionary stores key-value pairs, where each unique key is an index which holds the value associated with it. Dictionaries are unordered because the entries are not stored in a linear structure.

For Example:

empty_dict = {}

  print (empty_dict)


phone_book = {"Batman": 468426,

              "Cersei": 237734,

              "Ghostbusters": 44678}

print (phone_book)


Sets are used to store multiple items in a single variable. Set is one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store collections of data, the other 3 are ListTuple, and Dictionary, all with different qualities and usage. A set is a collection which is both unordered and unindexed.

For Example:

thisset = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}


Are ready to begin your Python journey! There are many offline compilers and online compilers available. Logical think and constant practice will improve your Python skills and make you an expert. 

Happy Coding!